Fully Funded DAAD PRIME Fellowship Program 2024

Fully Funded DAAD PRIME Fellowship Program 2024

The German Scholastic Trade Benefit is calling on interested candidates for the 2024 DAAD PRIME Cooperation Program. The program offers full financing that covers a yearly compensation of up to Euro 80,000. The program moreover covers the costs of travel, convenience, and dependents in case they go with the individual overseas for more than one month.

DAAD PRIME Cooperation reserves the worldwide versatility of postdoctoral analysts with brief positions at German colleges. The Government Service of Instruction and Investigate (BMBF) gives the stores for this program.

The give too incorporates a required return stage for reintegration into the German science framework. The program aims to supply members with a critical capability for a career in science.

The target group is postdoctoral analysts who see their long-term proficient career in Germany. Postdocs who see their long-term career points of view in Germany get financing for a free inquiry about remaining overseas, based on brief business at a German university.

In this post, we’ll give you the points of interest that clarify the qualification prerequisites, benefits, length, and application method for the DAAD PRIME Fellowship.

Details of DAAD PRIME Fellowship Program

ScholarshipDAAD PRIME Fellowship Program 2024
EligibilityAll Countries
Financial CoverageFully Funded

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Eligibility Prerequisites

To be considered for the DAAD PRIME Partnership Program 2024, you must pay consideration to the following:

  • Applicants with above-average capabilities from all resources may apply.
  • Applicants can be from any nationality
  • Applicants must acknowledge that the inquiry about remaining overseas and the return stage to Germany are both obligatory parts of the program.
  • To be considered for financing, candidates living overseas are anticipated to state their expectations to proceed with their inquiry about careers in Germany upon completion of the return phase.
  • Applicants who as of now have a changeless work contract with the planned institution for the planning inquiry about movement are not eligible for funding.
  • You may apply up to six a long time after the (primary) doctorate.
  • They must have completed their doctorate with great success sometime recently at the beginning of funding.

Benefits of DAAD Prime Fellowship

  • The DAAD will conclude a given understanding with the particular German college covering the costs for the standard compensation and the month-to-month ostracize allowance.
  • The program’s obligatory components of the inquiry about remaining abroad and the return period to Germany must be acknowledged by the applicants.
  • Applicants dwelling abroad must pronounce their intention to seek their investigative careers in Germany after the return stage is over in order to be qualified for funding.
  • Funding isn’t accessible to candidates who as of now have a permanent employment understanding with the imminent host institution for the arranged inquiry about the project.
  • Up to six a long time after the (primary) PhD, you’ll apply.
  • They have to have wrapped up their PhD with qualifications earlier to the financing period beginning.
  • Salary: transitory 18-month business contract at a German college agreeing to pay scale TV-L EG 13 (70,000 – 80,000). Your correct pay is decided by the colleges based on your past work experience.
  • Expatriate stipend: A month-to-month exile remittance for the investigations remaining overseas is based on a range classification of the goal and the net salary of the fellows.
  • Travel remittance: PRIME Colleagues get the DAAD protuberance entirety travel endowment for postdoctoral scientists.
  • Spouses and children are too qualified on the off chance that they go with the individual for at slightest one month amid the investigation and remain overseas. The travel remittance is paid straightforwardly by DAAD.
  • DAAD gives financing for an 18-month work contract at a German college to conduct a 12-month inquiry about remaining overseas with a 6-month consequent return stage to Germany.
  • During your 12 months overseas, you will combine remains at a few inquiries about teaching in one or a few countries.
  • If a companion or child remains with the individual for at slightest one month while conducting an inquiry about abroad, they are moreover qualified. DAAD pays the travel remittance directly.
  • For the reason of conducting a 12-month investigation to remain overseas, with a 6-month return stage to Germany in between, DAAD accounts for an 18-month work contract at a German institution.
  • You may blend remains at different investigations organizing all through one or more countries amid your year abroad.

Required Records for DAAD Prime Partnership 2024

To apply, candidates must be prepared to yield the following documents;

  • Application Frame
  • EU standard Educational programs vitae
  • Binding affirmation from the German  college (form)
  • Invitation letter from the German host
  • Time plan for the realization of the arranged work overseas and in Germany
  • A point-by-point and autonomously arranged inquiry about the proposal
  • One secret letter of proposal from a college professor
  • Summary/abstract of the inquiry about the project
  • Your career arrangement (one page max.) Your career arrangement (one page max.)

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How to Apply (Step by Step)

To get to the cooperation page on the DAAD site, press the button below.

  • The DAAD application entrance will have the application frame accessible. If you don’t mind, select Stipendiendatenbank für Deutsche to get to the portal.
  • You may make and download the fundamental letter of reference shape after completing your entrance registration.
  • The proposal letter and any other application materials may be posted to the entrance once the candidate information has been entered.
  • All connections must be available as PDF records to be uploaded.
  • All papers must be given in English, with the special case of the certificates (see underneath), as a universal committee and analysts handle the examination and choice process.
  • Applications submitted earlier than the due date may be reexamined and extended until the due date.

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