Fully Funded MOFCOM Scholarships in China 2024-25

Fully Funded MOFCOM Scholarships in China 2024-25

Seek after your instruction in China. Great news! Applications for the MOFCOM Grant are open right now. In this article, we will clarify in detail approximately this grant program, its benefits, and the step-by-step application process.

Starting in 2008, the Scholarly Instruction Programs supported by the Service of Commerce of People’s Republic of China is outlined to cultivate the best cadre commerce authorities and administrative staff from the beneficiary nations, advertising one-year or two-year ace programs as well as three-year doctoral programs

The grant offers one-year or two-year ace programs as well as three-year doctoral programs for the reason of advertising inter-disciplinary education to top-level workforce working within the areas of government, exchange, remote issues, agribusiness, innovation, instruction, culture, and wellbeing, building mental capacity and encouraging the financial and social improvement of the beneficiary nations. These programs help government authorities investigate colleagues, and senior administrative faculty for their ace and doctoral instruction in China. The programs are completely conducted in English. Affirmation prerequisites incorporate a bachelor’s degree, pertinent working encounters, and great well-being conditions, basic for high-compact educational programs.

Eligibility Necessities for the MOFCOM Grant China 2024

To be qualified for the MOFCOM Grant, candidates must meet the following requirements:

  • Be a citizen of a creating country.
  • Be in great health.
  • Have a great scholarly record.
  • Have a solid interest in examining China.
  • Meet the dialect necessities of the program of study.

Also Check Heinrich Boll Foundation Scholarship in Germany (Fully Funded).

Types of MOFCOM Scholarships

There are two sorts of MOFCOM Scholarships:

  • Full Grant: Covers educational cost expenses, settlement, living costs, and restorative insurance.
  • Partial Grant: Covers educational cost expenses only.

MOFCOM Grant Partaking Universities

  • Peking University
  • Tsinghua University
  • Renmin College of China
  • Beijing Ordinary University
  • Beijing Jiaotong University
  • University of Worldwide Commerce and Economics
  • Beihang University
  • Nankai University
  • Tianjin University
  • Jilin University
  • Fudan University
  • Shanghai Jiaotong University
  • Tongji University
  • East China Typical University
  • Shanghai College of Fund and Economics
  • Nanjing University
  • Zhejiang University
  • Xiamen University
  • Shandong University
  • Wuhan University
  • Huazhong College of Science and Technology
  • Wuhan College of Technology
  • Sun Yat-sen University
  • Southwest Jiaotong University
  • Xian Jiaotong University
  • Harbin Established Technology
  • Zhejiang Ordinary University.

Scholarship Coverage

MOFCOM Grant will cover:

  • Exemption from educational cost expenses, educational materials expenses, investigation and examination expenses, English instructing endowments, and graduation proposal direction fees.
  • Free access to on-campus accommodation.
  • Living appropriation: 36000 RMB/Year. for each master’s degree understudy; 42000 RMB/Year. for each doctoral degree student.
  • Settlement stipend: 3000 RMB/person.
  • Comprehensive therapeutic protections in China.
  • Free round-trip universal discuss ticket: 1 time for understudies examining for one year; for those considering for two a long time or more, 1 time of free round-trip worldwide discuss ticket additionally n-1(n for the number of tutoring a long time) time(s) of round-trip discuss ticket for returning home to visit relatives.
  • All degree understudies are required to take an interest in the annual review, and those who pass the scholastic execution evaluation can proceed to appreciate the total grant within the moment year.
  • Other costs are overseen by the Service of Commerce or the school, and won’t be conveyed to the students. The Service of Commerce as it were gives financing for understudies inside the scholarly framework. The understudy whose graduation is delayed will not proceed to get funding.

Benefits of the MOFCOM Grant China 2024

The MOFCOM Grant gives different benefits for universal understudies, including:

  • Full or halfway grant coverage.
  • Tuition charge waiver.
  • Accommodation stipend or free on-campus housing.
  • Living allowance.
  • Comprehensive restorative insurance.

Also Check: University of Adelaide Scholarships in Australia 2024.

Application Documents for the MOFCOM Grant China 2024

Applicants must yield the taking after archives to be considered for the MOFCOM Scholarship:

  • Application shape for the MOFCOM Scholarship.
  • Highest Degree Certificate (Notarized copy)
  • Transcripts of Most noteworthy Instruction (Notarized copy)
  • Undergraduate Diploma
  • Undergraduate Transcript
  • if you’re in China at that point the foremost later visa or home allowed in China (Transfer Visa Domestic page once more in this choice on College Portal)
  • A Ponder Arrange or Inquire about Proposal
  • Two Suggestion Letters
  • Passport Copy
  • Economic proof
  • Physical Examination Form (Wellbeing Report)
  • English Capability Certificate (IELTS isn’t Mandatory)
  • No Criminal Certificate Record (Police Clearance Certificate Record)
  • Acceptance Letter (Not Mandatory)

How to Apply for the MOFCOM Grant China 2024

The MOFCOM Grant application handles changes depending on the college and program of ponder. In any case, the common steps are as follows:

  • Choose a college and program that’s qualified for the MOFCOM Scholarship.
  • Complete the online application frame for the college and program of study.
  • Submit the desired application records to the university.
  • Apply for the MOFCOM Grant online through the China Grant Board website.
  • Await the grant results.

To know more approximately the MOFCOM Grant, it would be ideal if you visit the official website:

Selection Prepare for the MOFCOM Grant China 2024

The MOFCOM Grant choice handle is exceedingly competitive. Applications are looked into by a committee of specialists who assess the candidates based on their scholarly accomplishments and inquire about propositions, and potential commitments to their domestic nations. The choice prepare ordinarily incorporates the taking after steps:

  • A preparatory audit of application documents.
  • Interview (in individual or online).
  • Final determination based on the meet and other criteria.

MOFCOM Grant Recipients Obligations

MOFCOM Grant beneficiaries are required to fulfill certain commitments amid and after their consideration in China. These include:

  • Abiding by Chinese laws and regulations.
  • Studying difficult and accomplishing scholarly success.
  • Respecting Chinese traditions and culture.
  • Participating in extracurricular exercises and community service.
  • Maintaining great conduct and scholastic integrity.
  • Returning to their domestic nations after completing their studies.